Terms & Conditions of Classes
Your participation:
Your participation is at your own risk
You agree that you have attended a yoga class before
You are able to make an assessment of the risk of participation
You will not share the login details with the class to anyone that has not signed-up
You confirm that you will inform the teacher before participating in a class if you have:
Pains in your chest, ever​
High or low blood pressure
Any joint problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, back or knee problems, and any others
Had any operations or injuries in the last year
Suffer from any restrictions from existing conditions and/or old injuries
Medications that you are taking
Any other conditions that the teacher should be aware of before you commence physical activity
You agree that you were informed of this and wrote to the teacher and communicated with them prior to starting a class​
You agree that if your condition changes between an initial assessment and the time of the class, for example because you are attending a further class at a later date, you will inform the teacher prior to the class
Resources (online classess)
You confirm that if you experience any difficulty of any kind that there is someone on call to assist you
You acknowledge that this is an online class and as such the teacher has no ability to assist you if fall into difficulty​